Maia Evrona

Poet; Memoirist; Translator

Stone and Road

I’m coming down the hill
–stone and road–
bringing tangled up in my soul, viday,
a sorrow.

You accuse me of not loving you.
Don’t say such a thing…
Perhaps you will never understand, viday,
why I’m leaving…

It’s my destiny,
road and stone…
I am a pilgrim, viday,
of a distant and beautiful dream.

I seek more than joy,
I live suffering…
And when I should stay, viday,
I get going…

At times I am like a stream:
I arrive singing…
And without anybody knowing, viday,
I leave weeping…

--Song by Atahualpa Yupanqui

Translation © Maia Evrona


-Poems and Songs of Atahualpa Yupanqui

The Brooklyn Rail; inTranslation, July 2016

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Copyright: Maia Evrona, 2013. All rights reserved.